No, this is not the Disney movie with meatballs falling from the sky. This is an actual sausage tree, but the “sausages” that it bears are brewed to make alcoholic beverages instead of being served up alongside of toast & eggs. Our driver told us to be cautious of elephants hanging out around sausage trees – drunken elephants can be rowdy!
As for the baskets, no, you don’t see basket plants, but the ladies in the villages do utilize stems of some native plants to weave into baskets. In the district of Funyula, where part of the project is done, many women’s groups weave baskets to generate extra income. The extra money helps to support persons with disabilities, HIV (+) individuals & their families, as well as church charities. These talented women can make everything from shopping baskets to measuring cups to fishing nets! Groups like these not only empower the women to be more confident, other similar famers’ groups (incorporating men & youth) also provide a platform for idea sharing and teamwork, thus uniting the village as a whole to support each other in a sustainable fashion. Hopefully the groups will continue so the entire village can benefit from it.
So cool Vivian!! I think we could use some basket measuring cups at home *wink wink*